Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Converting a WORD Doc to a Google Doc

Converting a WORD Doc to a Google Doc -

Many of us have WORD documents that we have been using in our classes. Since the move to Google Drive, the question has come up - "How do I convert my WORD Docs into a Google Doc?"
This may be because now you'd like to share it or collaborate on it with others, or perhaps you'd like to share the document contents with your class via Doctopus.

The process is relatively simple. Once you start doing it regularly, it will become clear to you.

In your Google Drive - next to the red CREATE button you'll see an UPLOAD ARROW. Click on it and it will direct you to your "Files" or "Folders." If this is your first time, I suggest choosing one file (although it's just as easy to upload folder). Click on the file that you'd like and it will end up in your Google Drive with a "W" - although, it's kind of a little wavy and not quite like a regular Microsoft Word "W." You'll then want to open it up and will be asked what you want to open it up with - choose "Google Docs." You are then good to go!

And, by the way, you haven't lost your WORD document. You can still access it in WORD, or in Google using that "Open With" option.

Here's a good little video by Richard Byrne from Free Technology for Teachers that will show you how simple it is.

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