Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Snipping Tool


You find a great image and would like to add it to some work that you are doing. Or, you find an image that you want only part of and would like to cut out the part that you'd like to add to a document, a Power Point or Google Presentation.

Some may be familiar with using the "Print/Screen" option, but when using Google Docs I think you'll find that the Snipping Tool is a bit quicker and easier for you and your students.

Open the image that you'd like to cut. Click on your Start Button
and you'll find the Snipping Tool on your Start column. Click on it.
Go to your image and click on it once. Then click on the word in the box -
"New." You'll see that the image gets faint, that's okay. Take your cursor and start dragging over
the part of the image that you would like to use, it will then get brighter. When you're done, go to the top of the page and click on "Edit" then "Copy". Then you can proceed to where you'd like to place it and paste it there.



There are a couple of other features to the Snipping Tool option -

- With a little "highlighter" you can highlight something on an image before you snip it - highlighter yellow, though they have other color options
- There is a "Pen" feature - about 5 different colors that you can use to write some additional information on an image
- As well as selecting your image in a rectangular shape, they offer a "Freeform" pen where you can draw whatever shape around whatever part of an image that you'd like

That really is all there is to it and it's SO helpful!
Let me know if you try it out!

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